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Foto: Paesi > Spagna > Barcelona - Sevilla

I travelled by train to Valencia to fetch the YBR 125 sponsored by our friend Giovanni Celli from Italy. Walking along the streets of the city I ran into these pretty tourists.

I went to Valencia to fetch Elke´s new motorcycle. Beautiful girls in the streets.
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36 valutazioni
di Baldomero - Guatemalteco city - Paesi Bassi - 20-Lug-2010, 06:00:54 PM

=O) You look so pretty I want to be friends with you, my name is Baldomero and I really want to be your friend.

di nicol muñoz Olivares - nimguna - Costa Rica - 14-Apr-2010, 09:28:48 PM

las motos son mui lindas megutan

di bayram - istanbul - Turchia - 27-Mag-2008, 04:21:37 PM

oooooo.....yesss..çok güzel popo....very good very nice popo... :))

di ulises martell - mexico DF - Messico - 27-Set-2007, 05:14:09 PM

Preciosas las chicas y precioso el lugar !!

Que envidia Gus...que envidia


di lucas - Argentina - 08-Gen-2007, 06:53:54 PM

elke se va a poner celosa...

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