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Photos: Pays > Macédoine

At 7am we discovered that the place was not abandoned. We were woken up by a truck full of workers curiously circling our camping site.

At 7am we discovered that the place was not abandoned. We were woken up by a truck full of workers curiously circling our camping site.
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6 votes
par Éder TS - São José - Brésil - 14-Jan-2012, 09:00:03 PM

Não há outras fotos da Macedônia?

par Andre Scheffler - salvador - Brésil - 07-Dec-2009, 01:36:04 PM

hahah....loving your adventure.....planning mine
all the best, guys

par Maxi - Chivilcoy - Argentine - 07-Jan-2009, 04:24:21 AM

Que zarpadooo jajaja.
Si dios quiere en junio voy andar por el pais vecino.

Si me puedes facilitar data seria grandiso.

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