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Fotos: Länder > Iran

...we learned that Iran is suffering financial blockades that prevent all access to money in foreign accounts through ATMs, credit cards or any other form of transaction.

...we learned that Iran is suffering financial blockades that prevent all access to money in foreign accounts through ATMs, credit cards or any other form of transaction.
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24 Bewertungen
von Saul Milian - Pto Barrios - Guatemala - 02-Jan-2012, 11:02:53 PM

Felicitaciones, Excelentes Fotos, algun dia Dios me Concedera Conocer Oriente Medio. Y especial ahi...!!

von manuel moreira - famalicão - Portugal - 02-Mai-2009, 08:01:55 PM

granda malucos, no bom sentido,a vossa viajem é fabulosa com fotos espétaculares, força e boas curvas.

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